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4 Reasons to be Thankful for Your Teeth This Thanksgiving!

October 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson @ 11:03 pm
A woman smiling at Thanksgiving dinner.

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s an important time of year to reflect on everything you have to be thankful for, including your teeth. These unsung heroes don’t always get a lot of recognition, so this fall, here’s a little reminder of the awesome power of your pearly whites!

They Chew Your Food

This holiday, as you sit down to feast with your family, remember those choppers that are about to help you chew it. If it weren’t for your teeth, you wouldn’t be able to enjoy that turkey or snack as easily on those sweet potatoes. So do them a favor and reward them after dinner with a good brushing and flossing before you head off to that post-meal slumber!

They Showcase Your Smile

If you’re happy and you know it, show your teeth! If you’ve got a toothy grin, keeping them healthy and white will help enhance your natural beauty. A smile conveys friendliness, confidence, and happiness, and white teeth make you appear more youthful, boosting your self-esteem, which is yet another reason to be thankful!

They Keep the Conversation Going

Do you have someone you’re thankful for? Tell them, and while you’re at it, thank your teeth for the ability to speak, too. Though they may not seem too involved, your tongue needs to touch the backs of your teeth to make certain sounds. So, if you can speak clearly, those choppers play a pivotal part!

They Save You Money

A healthy mouth is much more affordable than paying for problems like cavities, root canals, or tooth extractions. Thus, taking excellent care of your oral health can save you money. Not only that but keeping your teeth healthy helps keep the rest of your body healthy, too. Remember that nutritious food you get to enjoy? Well, that will help keep you strong and help you fight illness, which is especially important during cold and flu season.

Remember, there’s a lot to be thankful for this year, including your teeth, so don’t forget to show them you care by brushing them twice a day, flossing them at least once a day, and visiting your dentist twice a year for your semi-annual exam and cleanings.

About Our Practice

At Advanced Dental Care, we’re thankful for our amazing patients! Thank you for allowing our team to help protect your smile all year round. Whether you need a cleaning and exam, a cosmetic procedure, or a restorative treatment, we are grateful for the opportunity to care for you.

To schedule an appointment, please visit our website or call us today at 714-424-9099.