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Summer Activities That Can Damage Your Smile

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson @ 5:13 pm

Smiling woman enjoying the beachSummer is a great time to head outdoors to soak up some vitamin D as you find ways to stay cool during the warmer months. However, it can also be a bad time for your smile. Simple mistakes can increase your risk of a dental emergency. Summer activities don’t have to come back to haunt your dental health. Here’s what you need to know to protect your pearly whites.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Ice cream, soda, and milkshakes are great ways to stay cool on a hot day. Unfortunately, they contain sugar, which feeds cavity-causing bacteria that can erode your enamel. No amount of brushing can reverse tooth decay. It’s best to limit your consumption of sugary foods and drinks. If you can’t resist an ice cream cone, brush your teeth after you finish. If you can’t get to your toothbrush, rinse your mouth with water.

Crunching Ice

If you like to crunch ice, you’re at risk of a dental emergency. Your teeth are incredibly strong, but they aren’t indestructible. The last thing you want interrupting your summer plans is a fractured tooth. If you can resist the urge to crunch, drink from a cup with a lid to lessen the temptation.

Sports and Outdoor Activities

Whether you enjoy playing football, mountain biking, or even a friendly game of soccer, don’t forget to wear an athletic mouthguard. 40% of all dental emergencies in the US are sports-related. You can safeguard your smile and even lower your risk of concussion by wearing an athletic mouthguard.

Swimming Pools

Taking a dip in a swimming pool is a great way to combat the heat. However, they are often a source of oral health emergencies. Jumping into the shallow end, bumping your mouth on the pool ledge, or slipping on a wet deck can result in a broken or dislodged tooth. It’s best to follow proper pool safety rules to ensure a dental emergency doesn’t interrupt an afternoon of swimming.

Skipping Dental Appointments

Although you have plenty of activities scheduled, don’t forget to see your dentist for your semi-annual cleaning and checkup. They’ll ensure your teeth are clean and look their best while also monitoring your dental health for anything concerning. Your dentist will prevent a small issue from turning into a big problem. 

Don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes and floss every night. Give your mouth the attention it needs to keep it healthy and beautiful during the summer.

About Dr. Jeremy B. Jorgenson

Dr. Jorgenson earned his dental degree at the University of Southern California and has continued his education in restorative and surgical dental practices, including the latest innovations in cosmetic dentistry. He is a proud member of the American Dental Association and many other professional organizations. Book an appointment through his website or call his office at (714) 793-0841.