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Costa Mesa Dentist – Celebrating 3 Years!

July 5, 2017

On behalf of all of the Advanced Dental Care staff and Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson, Costa Mesa Dentist, we want to send the biggest thank you and gratitude to our loyal and amazing patients!  In the last three years, our dental practice has grown so much.  It has been an amazing journey thus far.  Our dental team has tripled in size and are seeing more patients than ever.  We owe it to our patients for being so appreciative and sharing their experiences at our office with their friends, family, co-workers and on social media!  We also believe this is a reflection of the endless hours we dedicate to ensuring our staff, skills, and technology are always top-notch!


Emergency Dental Appointments in Costa Mesa – We can help!

March 27, 2017

Advanced Dental Care - Costa Mesa - Orange County - Emergency Dentist - Emergency Dental Appointments - Saturday Dentist

Do you need an emergency dental appointment?  It’s 10:00pm on a Friday night.  You’re tooth starting aching this morning and you’ve tried ice packs, over-the-counter pain relievers, and whatever else you can find on the internet, but nothing is helping.  You’re having a dental emergency!  When you need us most, we want to be here for you!  That’s why Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson and the Advanced Dental Care team in Costa Mesa, CA are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your comfort and convenience!


Healthy Eating for Healthy Teeth and Bones – Dental Nutrition

November 16, 2016

Nutrients for Strong Bones and Healthy Teeth

Guest Blog by Daniela Neman, RD/CSO/CDN

Daniela Neman - Healhty Teeth - Dental Care - Costa Mesa Dentist - Best Dentist Orange CountySo your dentist told you to brush, floss and rinse- what’s next?  While good oral hygiene and routine checkups are an absolute must for healthy teeth, this article is for patient superstars looking to the next steps to rockin’ dental and, surprisingly, bone health.

There are three key nutrients to support dental and bone health, ready?

Here we go!


Tooth Sensitivity – Dr. Jorgenson explains it all!

August 25, 2016

Costa Mesa Dentist Talks Tooth Sensitivity

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Do you experience an occasional zing throughout the day?  Sensitivity to hot and cold?  Or constant dull, achy pain?  These are all signs you are suffering from tooth sensitivity.  Tooth sensitivity can be very unpleasant and also be a sign of a more serious dental condition.  If you’re experiencing tooth pain, Orange County Dentist Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson can help!

Tooth Sensitivity causing Dental Pain

Tooth Sensitivity causing Dental Pain

Tooth sensitivity can come in many forms and from many causes.  You can simply be sipping in air, taking a bit of your lunch, or trying to concentrate at work and you notice that something doesn’t feel right.  Tooth sensitivity, also called dentin hypersensitivity, can occur when the outer layers of the tooth, the enamel and cementum, become thin and expose the dentin layer underneath.  When dentin is exposed, the tooth root and nerve are closer to the surface and more likely to become irritated.

Is Fluoride Necessary for Good Dental Health?

August 3, 2016

fluorideFluoride is present in most of the foods we eat, and tap water in the US has been treated with the mineral (a process known as fluoridation) due to its benefits for oral health. Most people know that fluoride has been linked to healthy teeth, but do you know why fluoride is necessary? Dr. Jorgenson, your Costa Mesa dentist, explains the function of the mineral and your smile’s need for it.


Don’t Miss the Invisalign Special in Costa Mesa!

July 15, 2016

invisalign in costa mesaStraightening your teeth with Invisalign in Costa Mesa has never been more affordable. Right now, Dr. Jorgenson at Advanced Dental Care is offering $500 off any treatment with the clear braces system. Both express and full-treatment cases are eligible for the significant discount! If you’ve been considering orthodontics, don’t wait to contact our office. This special will expire at the end of this month! Take advantage of significant savings for the sake of your wallet — and your smile.


Free Teeth Whitening for All Public Service Employees!

June 7, 2016

Female firefighter standing in front of fire truckThis June, your Costa Mesa dentist and the team at Advanced Dental Care want to show their appreciation for the public service employees who make our community run. And what better way to make you happy than by helping you smile brighter? If you’re a teacher, police officer, firefighter, government official, or any other type of public service employee, Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson wants you to enjoy free teeth whitening trays during June! All you have to do is schedule your checkup and cleaning, and we’ll create custom-fit trays to help you smile bigger and brighter than ever before.


After Invisalign in Costa Mesa, There’s Vivera

April 22, 2016

invisalign in costa mesaAfter orthodontic treatment, you know your new, beautiful smile took time, money and effort to achieve. So why wouldn’t you do everything in your power to keep it looking as fantastic as it does right now? Teeth can shift back into their original position after braces come off, but it’s easy to prevent them from doing so — all you need is a good retainer. For smiles that have benefitted from traditional braces or Invisalign in Costa Mesa, there’s Vivera.


Families Helping Families – Advanced Dental Care and The Garza Family

December 8, 2015

Filed under: ADC Cares,Team ADC — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson @ 8:55 pm

As many of you know, ADC Cares is an extension of Advanced Dental Care that exists to serve our patients, our community, and those we’ve never even met!  We’ve participated in many community events this year such as raising money for Costa Mesa, raising money for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, Oral Cancer Awareness, Heart Disease Awareness, Alzheimer’s Awareness, and a Food Drive for Second Harvest Food Bank.

Now it’s December and this year we wanted to do something different.  We’ve partnered with the Families Helping Families Agency and adopted the Garza Family!  We’re helping this family of four get the things they need and want for the holiday season.  We all get down on tough times and sometimes we just need a helping hand! (more…)

November is for THANKS and GIVING

November 17, 2015

Filed under: Team ADC — Tags: , , , , — Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson @ 4:43 pm

November is one of our most favorite months of the year!  The air is cool, crisp, and refreshing and the buzz of the summer starts to slow down.  It’s a time for us to reflect on what we are thankful for and a chance for us to give back to our family, friends, and community.  Dr. Jorgenson and the Advanced Dental Care team were busy supporting several causes that are particularly important to us!  Read below to find out more! (more…)

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