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December 1, 2020

At Advanced Dental Care, it is our personal mission to provide quality, compassionate dental care and provide support to our community in any way possible. That’s why #givingtuesday is an extra special day for us.


Invisalign for a Healthier And Happier Smile

April 12, 2016

Invisalign – The CLEAR Choice

Whether you’re 4, 40, or 400, it’s always the right time to get a healthier smile with Invisalign!  Good dental hygiene habits are essential to maintaining good oral health, but sometimes there is more you can do! Invisalign not only improves the LOOK of your smile, but also improve the HEALTH of your smile!  When your teeth are misaligned, you aren’t able to brush and floss to your full potential.  You could also be experiencing TMJ or other damage as a result of the alignment of your bite.Invisalign Dentist Costa Mesa

When you brush and floss, you aim to remove the tartar and plaque that builds up on your teeth and cause decay.  This is why RDH Lisa Thurm stresses the importance of flossing twice a day!  If your teeth are not straight, it makes accessing those hard to reach areas even harder.  Invisalign, clear braces, can quickly and easily straighten teeth so you can reach your full health potential.

National Heart Health Month

February 3, 2016

Advanced Dental Care is partnering with the American Heart Association this February to celebrate National Heart Month!

All month long we will be bringing awareness of heart health and the link to your oral health.  Maintaining good oral health can directly affect your heart health and vice versa.  Sometimes we see that if a patient presents with active periodontal disease, they also have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or another heart disease.  This is because the body is a system, and every subsystem is interconnected.

One of the main indicators of our oral and overall health is our gums.  Regular exams by your dentist and hygienist can help detect abnormalities early on.  Periodontal disease, for example, progresses in stages and when caught early can be treated more easily.

Gum Disease costa mesa caWhen bacteria builds up on teeth and migrates below the gum line, the bacteria can irritate the gums causing early stage periodontal disease.  When left untreated by a dental professional, the disease can quickly and easily progress to more advanced stages creating pockets.  Pockets above 3mm in depth are cause for concern.  Like all dental disorders, the sooner the condition can be treated, the better case for successful recovery.