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Oral Cancer

April 13, 2018

Oral Cancer Facts

The Oral Cancer Foundation estimates approximately 132 patients are diagnosed with an oral cancer EVERY DAY!  That means over 51,550 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year.  Early detection of neck, mouth, and throat cancers is critical to identify the appropriate treatment and reach the best outcomes.

The main causes of oral cancer are alcohol and tobacco use and human papilloma virus (HPV), specifically strain HPV16. You can reduce your risk of getting oral cancer by avoiding excessive alcohol intake, avoiding tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, vaping, chew, snuff, pipes, dip, etc.) completely, and by reducing direct skin/mouth contact with another person with HPV.

Survival Rates

Oral cancer has lower survival rates than cervical cancer, thyroid cancer, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.  Survival rates have not increased in over a decade.  When detected in early stages, there is a 70-80% survival rate.  However, when detected in later stages, the survival rate is less than 50% after 5 years.  Most oral and neck cancers are not detected in the early stages, because of lack of patient awareness and the overall difficulty of detecting these types of cancers.  This is why it is critical to visit your dentist every 3-6 months for your professional exam or any time you detect something unusual.

Oral Cancer Self Exam

The Oral Cancer Foundation has put together this instructional video so you can perform your own at-home exam between dental visits or if you notice something unusual.

Schedule your free oral cancer screening with Dr. Jeremy Jorgenson today!  Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to answer any questions 24/7.  You can reach our Costa Mesa dental office by phone at (714) 424-9099 or book online anytime at

Free Oral Cancer Screenings for Oral Cancer Awareness Month in April

March 31, 2017

Free oral cancer screenings for Oral Cancer Awareness Month in April.Did you know that oral cancer affected almost 50,000 Americans last year? This is often a cancer that we don’t think too much about until it affects our lives. Early detection is the key in successfully recovering from oral cancer, and we screen for it at your six-month checkups. April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, and in honor of this Dr. Jeremy B. Jorgenson and his team at Advanced Dental Care are offering free oral cancer screenings in Costa Mesa. We’d also like to share more information on oral cancer so we can increase patient knowledge and awareness about it.
